Kannada Article by: Tarodi Suresha
English Rendering by: Padmini Shrinivasan
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Every human needs Samskaaras. A sage who has experienced the Divine light does not require Samskaaras. However, the person who performs his Samskaara, accumulates the benefit of spiritual elevation. A few Samskaaras have to be performed by the husband or father only. The death rituals can be performed by others too. Brahmopadesha or Upanayana is performed by the father or an Achaarya (preceptor). In a nutshell, the Samskaara is also for all those who partake in the ritual. The practical aspects of these rituals have assumed different forms. Samskaaras are conducted with or without the recitation of hymns. Hymns-rituals-sacred materials all have their role to play, as long as they are used exactly in the manner enunciated by the Rshis. "The hidden mysteries should be understood before performing the rituals" was Sriranga Mahaguru's emphatic statement.
Holy bath, auspicious wishes, prayers to Mahaa Ganapati, an opening ceremony for ancestors; prayers in remembrance of the maternal lineage; rituals to purify self; as well as the premises are the preparatory rituals preceding the performance of the rites. Garbhaadaana, Pumsavana, Seemantonnayana, Jaatakarma, Naamakarana, Nishkramana, Annapraashana, Choodaakarma, Upanayana, Four Veda Vratas, Holy bath, Vivaaha and Anthyeshti are the 16 Samskaaras which are to be performed for an individual over a life time, beginning even before conception and extending right up to the cremation ground. Few law makers for householders (Gruhya sutrakaaras) hold these numbers differently. If the number of rituals is less in a particular group, then it is compensated elsewhere to make up the count.
Samskaaras are necessary not just to obtain eternal bliss, personal virtues (Atma Gunas) and a superior clan, but absolutely essential to build a noble society at large. Daily activities, festivities as well as austerities covering an entire year; Samskaaras encompassing the entire life-time, right from pre- conception to cremation; have all been built into a way of life commensurate with the four cardinal principles of life known as Purushaarthas. Salutations! To this land Bhaarata, where Maharshis' were born as architects of this divine plan.